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Manual Therapy is the art and science of using hands on manipulation for therapeutic purposes. Fascial tension is balanced, muscle tension is identified, joints are balanced, and neurovascular structures are freed to move. 

Structural Integration Icon

Rolfing Structural Integration is the theory and practice of organizing the human being in the field of gravity. Its goal is to enhance the person’s structural integrity, which is manifest in the person’s ability to function economically in relation to the environment. Rolfing accomplishes this by addressing imbalances in the body’s connective tissue matrix, as well as by helping the client find more functional options regarding patterns of movement, perception, and cognition.

Neural Manipulation Icon

Neural Manipulation facilitates free movement of the nerves in their surroundings; that is, in relation to adjacent muscles, fascia, narrow passages in the aponeurosis, organs and bones. A nerve only functions optimally when it is able to move freely in its surrounding tissues.

DermoNeuroModulation Icon

DermoNeuroModulation, is a structured, interactive approach to manual therapy that considers the nervous system of the patient from skin cell to sense of self. Techniques are slow, light, kind, intelligent, responsive and effective.


Education empowers clients, moving ownership of the solution from the hands of the therapist to the hands of the client. Once a client owns the solution to their problem they no longer need to rely on a therapist for help.

Rolf Movement Education Icon

Rolf Movement Integration is a somatic sensory-motor approach to movement education that helps clients optimize and sustain structural ease through balanced movement behavior.

Explain Pain Icon

Explain Pain is education based in scientific evidence that knowing why we hurt can be the most powerful tool to overcoming chronic pain.

Corrective Exercises Icon

Corrective Exercises are personalized exercises that bring the body back into balance, helping to eliminate the dysfunctions that cause pain.

Fascial Fitness Icon

Fascial Fitness provides a practical, research-based framework for optimizing the critical role of the fascia system in human movement using targeted training techniques.



Trevor Paque Certified Rolfer Portrait
Trevor Paque is a Certified Rolfer. He graduated from the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute in Boulder, CO in June of 2015.


Dr. Ida Rolf Institute
Boulder, CO

University of California
Davis, CA


Continuing Education

Biomechanics of the Axial Complex
Instructor: Juan David Velez
Dr. Ida Rolf Institute - Boulder, CO
Neural Mobilisation: Peripheral Nerves of the Shoulder and Pelvic Girdles
Instructor: Jonathan Martine
Seattle Centre for Structural Medicine - Seattle, WA

Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Instructor: Jeffrey Burch
Eugene, OR

Ready to get started?

Still have questions? Contact Trevor.