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"I couldn't be more grateful for Trevor's skilled work. Within two sessions he was able to help me solve the problem that was creating tremendous tension in my neck and shoulders when I worked. I am a Craniosacral therapist, so 1. I sit a lot & 2. I'm very picky about bodyworkers. Trevor's demeanor is extremely friendly and he is very knowledgeable and professional, as well as skilled at meeting people where they are. He educated me on the topic of sitting correctly and helped release the associated fascia. I incorporated what Trevor taught me while working and to my amazement at day's end there was no tension in my body! Working with him has transformed how I experience my body - so much more joy and ease! I look forward to more sessions."


"Trevor has been fantastic. He is thorough and precise, thoughtful and engaging. I have been dealing with back and hip pain issues for years and he is helping to reset my muscles and fascia to help my mobility."


"Hands down, working with Trevor has been an incredibly valuable and beneficial experience. His palpation skills are adept and his professional, open and caring demeanor is healing in and of itself. My favorite thing about working with that it feels like you're working WITH him. You're on the journey together to discover what is going on and figure out what can be done to restore function, ease and balance. It was exactly what I was looking for because I value taking ownership for my own health and well being quite seriously and was at an impasse...having exhausted my own knowledge, tools and resources. Or so I thought...

I feel a renewed sense of empowerment and hope in managing my care from here. The 10 series proved eye opening to a few key areas in my body that weren't on my radar as contributing factors to the symptoms I was experiencing. I have exercises to work with, visualizations and am working with an app for heart focused breathing that he introduced me to. And beyond that, I have all the tools and resources I already have that can now be directed in a new way to help expound on the work we started together.

I HIGHLY recommend his services."


"I can honestly say, that I no longer have any shoulder problems, which had been bothering me for 3 years before I saw you.  My knee or hip sometimes flares up - but when they do, I try to remember the exercises and proper posture techniques you taught me, and the issues usually subside within a day (as opposed to weeks before I saw you.)  I'm really much happier and pain free compared to a few years ago."


"Trevor has given me the necessary tools to listen and adapt to life's adventure. I was in chronic pain for 2 years with radiating stabbing pain that originated in my mid back. Through Trevor's intuitive touch I can say with a heart full of love and gratitude that he has healed me and in his words, I healed myself. I attended his 10 series and through the weeks became more and more aware of my body and the daily habits I had formed that were not conducive to a pain free body. Trevor made me feel very comfortable every session and has great communication to help his clients develop healthy habits. He gets the whole picture and developed a strategy to a pain free me. His strength is abundant and he has a tranquil spirit which I needed. It was a journey that I will never forget as he somewhat saved my life. Pain is no fun and after many MRIs, X-rays, cat scans and ketamine cream to numb my back, I decided to take the plunge into Rolfing and I couldn't be more gracious! Thanks for all the good laughs Trevor and ADAPTABILITY!!!"


"I hope you are doing well. I am writing to express my gratitude forthe lessons that I have learnt from you doing my rolfing maybe 2 years ago. I have it as a background knowledge but never really applied it properly, until I went to this 10-day vipassana meditation course the last two weeks. I was experiencing severe back pain, and I remembered that you taught me to sit in a way that would put my head on top of my shoulder, with curvature in the lower back, and with the skeletons upright but muscles relaxed on top of the skeletons.

I didn't completely get this until the meditation, where I really felt it clicked and I started to sit in the right way, and the pain gradually went substantially less. Even now, I walk around and sit around while being mindful of the position of my muscles and spine, as well as being aware of the different sensations that different postures created, it made a complete difference. I don't feel much pain at all now, because even if I feel some tension, I immediately change my posture so that the  tension goes away. It's amazing. 

I want to express my gratitude for your teaching. Thank you so much!"


"I'm pretty aware of my body and the energies, yet was really blown away by how much the fascia throughout my body changed as Trevor worked it all out. I feel taller, I started having so much more ease with my body that I am walking faster, my balance is better. A lot is still changing, the benefits so far still seem ongoing and it has been a few months since finishing the 10 sessions. Thank you so much, I would highly recommend you to anyone!"